Terrorists released as part of hostage deal
Terrorists released as part of hostage dealFlash 90

The Almagor Terror Victims Association appealed to the Security cabinet with a demand to reconsider the way the deal with Hamas is being executed, saying that the images being broadcast of released terrorists strengthen Palestinian Arab terror.

Meir Indor, chairman of Almagor, warned that "the images and broadcasts of terrorists being released turn into images of victory among Palestinians, which will cause additional young people to join the ranks of terror, knowing that sooner or later they will be released from prison."

The organization opposes the transfer of released terrorists to Arab countries and to Europe, fearing that they will continue to engage in terror outside of Israel's borders.

Moshe Har Melech, a bereaved father whose son Shuli was murdered by a terrorist who was released in the Shalit deal, noted that the released terrorist went to Jordan, from where he continued his terror activities.

"From our sad experience, terrorists who are released to foreign countries continue to conduct terror from there, while the Israeli security forces cannot act in those hostile countries," Har Melech warned. He added that the terrorist who murdered his son went on to command the terror cell murdered killed Malachi Rosenfeld.

Families whose loved ones were murdered by terrorists who are being released as part of the current deal claim they did not receive the list of released prisoners in advance and could not appeal it, following the Supreme Court's ruling that they had no standing to petition on the matter.

Almagor expressed anger at the judicial system's decision. "We will not forget and not forgive the judicial system, which did not allow the bereaved families and terror victims even their day in court, as was customary in the past. Thus, the murderers go free - while our loved ones lie beneath tombstones."

"Who does have standing in the Supreme Court? Not the bereaved families, but organizations representing terrorists, who enter the Supreme Court every day," the organization added.