A violent riot ensued on Wednesday in the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem when a group of extremists attacked the car of Karlin-Stolin Rebbe with teargas as he left his granddaughter's Sheva Brachot celebration.
The incident began when the group of extremists blocked the Grand Rabbi's Chevy on Ezra Street.
The extremists, who accuse the Rabbi of encouraging haredi enlistment in the IDF, chanted insults at him. Members of the Karlin court who were present, including guests from overseas, were infuriated and a violent confrontation ensued.
"It was a shocking scene," one eyewitness recounted. "A group of extremists just blocked the Rebbe and began to spray teargas at the car. The Hassidim didn't stand by."
This is not the first time groups of extremists harassed the Karliner Rebbe. Last Hanukkah, extremists attempted to disrupt an event at the court's central study hall on Avinoam Yellin Street, near the extremists' stronghold.