Q: Should the Matziv Gvul Almanah' be recited when residents return to their homes in the Gaza border region and the northern border?
A: To address this, we must first clarify the halakhic ruling. Our Sages taught (Berachot 58b) that one who sees Jewish homes in their settlement should recite:
“Blessed are You, Hashem, our God, King of the Universe, who establishes the boundary of the widow.”
This is also the ruling in Jewish law (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 224:10).
This blessing was instituted as an expression of gratitude to God for the return of the Jewish people to their Land, which is akin to re-establishing the widow’s boundary. After we sinned, we were exiled from our Land and became a mockery among the nations, appearing like a broken and lonely widow with no hope of returning home. But now, Hashem has had mercy on us and returned us to our Land, to build homes, and dwell in peace and security. The words of the prophet Isaiah are beginning to be fulfilled:
“For you shall spread out to the right and to the left, and your offspring shall possess nations and resettle desolate cities. Fear not, for you shall not be ashamed, and be not confounded, for you shall not be disgraced; for you shall forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your widowhood you shall remember no more. For your Maker is your husband—the Lord of Hosts is His Name—and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, called the God of all the earth” (Isaiah 54:3–5).
Blessing on the Mitzvah of Settling the Land
During the long years of exile, although Jews always lived in the Land of Israel, they did not recite this blessing over their homes. Jewish settlement in the Land was fraught with hardship, oppression, and humiliation, making it difficult to describe it as stable, or a source of comfort.
However, when Jewish settlement began expanding with the departure of the Old Yishuv from the walls of Jerusalem and the immigration of the Chovevei Tzion (Lovers of Zion), in the spirit of fulfilling the mitzvah of Yishuv Ha’Aretz (Settling the Land), the blessing began to be recited over these new settlements. It is recorded that Rabbi Shmuel Salant recited the blessing over Petach Tikvah, and Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Jaffe over Yehud.
Ideally, one should recite ‘Matziv Gvul Almanah’ upon seeing a synagogue in the settlement (as per the Rif’s opinion), but this is not an absolute requirement (as ruled by R. Chananel, Rambam, and Shulchan Aruch, ibid.). Since this blessing was instituted in connection with the mitzvah of Yishuv Ha’Aretz, and even though the synagogue is the center of the community, all homes in the settlement contribute to fulfilling this mitzvah.
Where the Blessing Is Not Recited
Based on this, one might assume that the blessing should be recited over every city or village, from Nahariya to Ashkelon. However, in practice, it is not recited in these places because, by Hashem’s kindness, these areas have been settled with Jewish towns and villages for many years. The pain of exile is no longer felt there, and one who sees Jewish homes in these areas does not particularly perceive them as part of the ongoing settlement of the Land.
A fundamental rule for blessings over sights is that they are only recited over something that evokes a renewed sense of wonder. Therefore, in areas where Jewish settlement is already well-established, ‘Matziv Gvul Almanah’ is not recited.
Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley, and the Golan Heights
The blessing should be recited over homes in areas where continued effort is needed to ensure the fulfillment of the mitzvah of Yishuv Ha’Aretz—to keep these places in Jewish hands, rather than under foreign control, or left desolate.
Anyone who sees Jewish homes being built in these areas and feels moved by the sight of Jews reclaiming the mitzvah of Yishuv Ha’Aretz, should recite the blessing. These areas include Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley, and the Golan Heights.
The Negev and the Galilee
In the Negev and the Galilee, one should recite the blessing over settlements located in areas where the Jewish presence needs strengthening due to the fact that the majority of the local population consists of Arabs who support the positions of Israel’s enemies, and oppose the existence of the State of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.
Established Settlements in These Areas
According to rabbinic decree, ‘Matziv Gvul Almanah’ should be recited upon seeing a Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel for the first time. If one does not see it for 30 days and then sees it again, they should recite the blessing once more (Shulchan Aruch 224:10; 13).
However, the blessing depends on the emotional response to seeing the settlement. As with all sight-based blessings, only one who is moved by what they see should recite it (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 225:9; Rema 224:1; Mishnah Berurah 224:3).
Thus, if one sees an established settlement in a region requiring continued settlement efforts, they should only recite the blessing if they feel a sense of inspiration. If not, they should refrain. If much time has passed and new homes or neighborhoods have been built, and one feels moved upon seeing them, they should recite the blessing.
New Settlements
New settlements (under 20 years old) generally evoke greater emotion. Therefore, most people seeing them for the first time experience at least some inspiration, and thus the blessing should generally be recited. If visiting again after 30 days, and especially if additional homes have been built, one should recite the blessing if they feel moved by the sight.
House Dedications and Neighborhood Celebrations
About 15 years ago, I gave a lesson on this topic, and had the privilege of having Rabbi Moshe Levinger ztz”l participate. After I established the principle that the blessing ‘Matziv G’vul Almanah’ was instituted in connection with the mitzvah of Yishuv Ha’Aretz, Rabbi Levinger added an innovation: when a celebration is held for the dedication of a new home in settlements where efforts are still needed to fulfill this mitzvah, the blessing ‘Matziv G’vul Almanah’ should be recited at the gathering.
Indeed, this is the proper practice, and the one reciting the blessing should be a guest who has not been in the settlement for 30 days, and has come to participate in the housewarming. All the more so when celebrating the inauguration of an entire neighborhood—it is fitting for an esteemed guest to recite the blessing ‘Matziv G’vul Almanah’ aloud.
Blessing Upon the Return of Residents to Their Homes
From the above, it is clear that ‘Matziv Gvul Almanah’ should be recited when seeing homes in the northern border region, or near Gaza, where residents have returned after an extended absence.
Today, anyone who values the mitzvah of Yishuv Ha’Aretz is deeply moved by the sight of homes being re-inhabited, and they should recite the blessing. If a celebratory event is held for the residents’ return, a participant who has not seen the area in 30 days should recite the blessing aloud for all.
Advice for Those in Doubt
If someone is uncertain whether a location falls into the category of areas that need strengthening, or if they feel sufficiently moved to recite the blessing, they can say it in the style of Talmudic study:
“Tanu Rabbanan: One who sees the homes of Israel in their settlement says: ‘Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who establishes the boundary of the widow.’”
By doing so, on one hand, they recite the blessing in a halakhically appropriate manner, and on the other hand, they avoid the concern of making a blessing in vain, since some authorities (such as the Yaavetz) hold that when studying the Talmud, one may recite a full blessing.
Blessing ‘Dayan Ha’emet’
Q: Should one recite the blessing ‘Dayan Ha’emet’ (the True Judge) upon seeing homes that were severely damaged by bombings in the Gaza border communities, and along the northern border?
Our Sages taught (Berakhot 58b) that one who sees Jewish homes that have been destroyed in the Land of Israel recites the blessing: “Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, the True Judge.” Just as the blessing ‘Matziv G’vul Almanah’ was instituted to mark the settlement of the Land, the blessing ‘Dayan Ha’emet’ over destroyed homes is a recognition of the breach of this mitzvah.
Therefore, someone who saw the ruins of Jewish homes that were destroyed in Gush Katif should have recited ‘Dayan Ha’emet’, since their destruction undermined the mitzvah of Yishuv Ha’Aretz. However, regarding homes that were damaged or even destroyed in border communities, whether in the south or the north, one should not recite ‘Dayan Ha’emet’, because Israel’s sovereignty over these areas remains intact, and their destruction is not permanent. With God’s help, we will win the war, and rebuild them.
Using a Microwave for Dairy and Meat
It is possible to use the same microwave for both dairy and meat foods by ensuring proper separation between them. This separation must account for two key concerns:
- Direct Contact: Dairy and meat foods should not be placed directly on the same plate.
- Steam and Moisture: There should not be significant moisture transferring from the microwave’s interior into the food being heated.
Therefore, one must ensure:
- Food should not be placed directly on the microwave’s fixed glass plate. Instead, dairy foods should be placed on a designated dairy plate, and meat foods on a designated meat plate, and these plates should be placed on the microwave’s glass plate.
- A special cover should be designated for dairy foods and another for meat foods. Even though steam escapes through the small vents in microwave-safe covers, the amount of moisture that reaches the microwave’s walls and ceiling is not enough to impart flavor. Certainly, it is not strong enough to extract any absorbed taste from the microwave’s walls and transfer it into the food being heated.
Additionally, one may establish the microwave’s default status as dairy. If they wish to heat meat food, they should place an additional plate or other barrier on the microwave’s glass plate and cover the meat food with a lid, container, or bag. The same procedure should be followed when heating parve food that will be eaten with meat.
Kashering a Non-Kosher Microwave & Kashering for Passover
A microwave can be kashered in three steps:
- Cleaning: Remove any leftover food residue from spills and splatters.
- Purging the Turntable: Immerse the rotating glass plate in boiling hot water.
- Steam Purging: Place a dish with soapy water inside the microwave and heat it on the highest setting for about ten minutes. This process purges any steam absorbed into the microwave’s walls from previous non-kosher or chametz
This article appears in the ‘Besheva’ newspaper and was translated from Hebrew.