The Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, headed by Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home), has released an engaging new animated video explaining how critical it is that Iran not be allowed off the hook with a bad deal in ongoing negotiations over its nuclear program.

Talks have not showed much results ahead of their July 20 deadline, but the specter of the Islamic regime armed with a nuclear weapon remains a clear and present danger in the case of a deal leaving Iran with the ability to make a bomb. With its 19,000 centrifuges, Iran can maintain a sudden breakout capability of six to seven weeks in the event of a bad deal, argues the video.

"Now is the time to act to stop a bad deal that would allow Iran to achieve a nuclear weapon," declared Bennett in a statement released with the video, which was animated by Rogatka, and can be seen here:


It is further argued in the video that Iran has already violated international commitments like its ally North Korea, which has likewise used international negotiations to advance its nuclear program. Without a dismantling of the nuclear machinery, a good deal can not be reached, declares the video.

The new video is part of a series intending to explain the real intentions of Iran's nuclear program to the world at large, and the Jewish world in specific.