In light of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ upcoming statehood bid at the United Nations, the Israeli embassy in Washington posted an animated video on its Facebook page and YouTube channel commenting on the situation and warning of the impending dangers that lie ahead.


In the video, Abbas encounters numerous cliffs and roadblocks that threaten to impede his journey toward the United Nations.

“No peace can be imposed… core issues… must be negotiated,” reads the first cliff in his way, echoing the words of President Barack Obama.

“We seek to forge a durable peace,” states another roadblock, recalling the words of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Abbas, who is set to appear before the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday to make his request, will be beseeching the international body to grant the Palestinian Authority Observer status, thus enabling it to achieve de facto status as a sovereign state and effectively circumvent final status negotiations with Israel.

Moreover, the new status, if achieved, would grant the PA access to the International Criminal Court at The Hague and other similar bodies, which would enable it to pursue “war crime” charges and other grievances against the Jewish state.  

“Unilateral actions…jeopardize…peace,” reads another cliff that lies in his way, as spoken by U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice, in October.

“It takes two to negotiate,” British Prime Minister David Cameron further warns Abbas on his journey en route the United Nations.

The final roadblock summons the words of Prime Minister Netanyahu, urging the Palestinian Authority to return to the negotiating table.

“I am ready to start negotiations today,” asserts Netanyahu.

As Abbas reaches the end of his journey, he reaches a crossroads and is forced to choose between the two options. He can either go down a bleak, war-torn and devastated path, marked with a sign for the “United Nations.” Or, he can choose “The Road to Peace,” which will ultimately lead his down a bright and hopeful path for both sides.

“We need to save peace… Tell President Abbas to come back to the table,” the video concludes.

Below the video, the Israeli embassy in the U.S. posted a message stating that, “Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has a decision to make. Directly negotiate peace with Israel, or make a bad situation worse. Time and time again, President Obama and other world leaders have called him to the negotiating table. Time and time again President Abbas has chosen the futile path.”

“Leadership is needed now,” the message continues. “President Abbas must stop the journey in the wrong direction--appealing to the United Nations--turn away from the cliff, and return to the negotiating table. The path to peace begins with the seven minutes between Jerusalem and Ramallah, not on UN podiums. Going to the UN General Assembly is a mistake.”

“Israel continues to seek a solution of two states for two peoples, the Jewish state of Israel next to an Arab state of Palestine, side by side in peace and security,” the message adds.