Tibi eating the meal
Tibi eating the mealCourtesy

Halachic commotion in the Knesset: MK Ahmad Tibi (Ta'al) published a photo of him and other MKs using Knesset dishes to eat non-kosher food at their Ramadan pre-fast meal.

In the photo that Tibi posted on his Instagram story, he is seen using dishes from the Knesset's kosher cafeteria to eat outside food that was not kosher.

MKs and Knesset staff were infuriated by the photo and claimed that it was an insult to religious sentiments and kashrut in the Knesset.

The Betsalmo organization contacted the Knesset Ethics Committee demanding that Tibi be severely punished, claiming that he violated Knesset policy.

"This is an irresponsible and unprecedented act. We demand that the Ethics Committee take significant steps to ensure that such incidents do not repeat themselves."

The Knesset Rabbi's office reported that the issue is under review.

MK Tibi responded: "If they won't bring us food for our 'Sahur' meal during Ramadan, we'll bring. I don't know of such a complaint and no one said anything to us. In any case, these Ka'ak (Arab bagels) taste better than kosher food and that's scientifically proven. To the case in point: this Knesset is Kahanist, and most importantly, it's not kosher."